Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Wrapup

WHY does cleaning have to take so long.  Sometimes I really regret us buying this huge house, it seems to take a week to clean every room and by then it's time to start over.  But then I have 3 kids living in this space, so I'm sure they help with making it dirty too.  And it IS pretty nice being able to separate the kids into 3 different parts of the  We got up this morning and took the kids to school, then came home and got to cleaning.  Around 11, I decided to tackle my kids toy boxes and closets.  After finally stopping at 3 garbage bags full, we loaded the truck and took those to drop off at the school as a donation.  Needless to say, I need to buy LOTS more bags before I'm even remotely close to finishing their rooms.   Jared is 8, Katie is 6 but neither child really plays with toys.  Jared is content with his ipod, games, and being outside.  It doesn't matter what the weather is like, that kid wants to be outside.   Katie loves her books, art stuff and make-up.   She never plays with Barbies, Dolls, or none of the other pretend-play things she has in her room.  I'm up for just dumping the totes into garbage bags and being done with it.  But that would never work because both kids want to keep every single toy that Josh ever bought them.  Anyways...I'll get done eventually but I refuse to buy them any toys for Christmas.  Welcome to the world of giftcards and iTunes cards!

 On that note, Josh and I have decided to buy Jackson a train table for Christmas.  As a family, we have decided that each child will get 2 gifts plus stocking stuffers (gift cards go in stockings).   For Jared and Katie I'm thinking of a laptop or iPad (maybe Jared a Laptop and Katie an iPad), then the other gift will be something that they ask for specifically when they write their letters at school.  And then Jackson will get the train table and a few other things.  The problem with this is Jackson's will in no way costs as much as Jared and Katies.   We don't do Santa in this house, it's not that I've told them their is no Santa....we just acknowledge Santa is a person and Mommy & Daddy buy the gifts.  I'm sure this year we will do a little more "santa things" just for Jackson since he's still so little.  I've pretty much got my lists done, and have started some shopping.  Just hope that I can get done before Thanksgiving with everyone else so that I can go Black Friday shopping to get the deals for myself and Josh.  :-)  I still am thinking I want an iPhone 5 but I may just wait it out till my current iPhone 4 dies completely.   And just because I'm not sure if Josh reads this or not...I'll keep my thoughts for his present to myself....I'm sneaky like that.  

*This posts was not edited just because it's Monday, I'm tired and being overlook all errors.  Thanks for stopping in.

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