Tuesday, September 4, 2012


~ people in general have no idea how to handle our situation.  Everyone wants to feel sorry for me because Josh is overseas..HELLO..he's the one away from his family.  I have the kids with me, and I'm able to stay home with them.  I say I'm overly blessed :-) 

~ 99% of the time I'm overworked, over tired, and just too much of a downer to make any plans.

~ But I've learned that if I stay busy with the kids and on the housework then the time passes quicker...therefore I can see the hubby sooner!

~ I really want to put my Christmas tree and decorations up in October, so the kids and I can enjoy it longer.  It's not like we ever have company, so I'm pretty sure I could get away with it :-)

~ I feel completely useless on Monday's. I have no motivation to do anything and when the motivation comes, the day is over.

~ I'm thinking of deactivating my Facebook for a while. too.much.drama. (not directed towards me..but in general)

~ My baby girl is scheduled for surgery Oct. 2nd, and while I'm not really scared of the surgery itself, I'm terrified of the recovery part.

~ I wish that I could still have the kids but rewind time back to 2002.  I would have never taken for granted all the times I got to work with Josh and ride to/from work with him.   This whole miles away thing stinks majorly. 

~ I've had my Christmas list made for 2 months of what I want to gift people with, but have yet to purchase the 1st thing.  But I have promised myself to be done by Thanksgiving so I will.

~ I have lost almost 30 lbs. without dieting or taking any meds.

~ Most nights I end up crying for no reason other than the fact it's just too quiet in this house. 

~ I've put off knee replacement surgery (both knees) for 3 years now just because I don't want anyone else taking care of my kids while I'm healing and at rehab.  Oddly enough, my knees don't give out as much when I don't stop.  Sitting down and taking a rest is overrated...it just makes my knees lock up when I do get back up.

~ Sometimes I want to jump on a plane and go to Afghanistan just to see what kind of work Josh really does.  But then I take a step back and realize that I don't really want to know.  Most of the time, I don't even know what city/base he's at and I'm totally ok with that.  less stress for me, because I can honestly be dumb about it when people ask me and start talking about stuff that is happening there (I don't watch/listen/read world news EVER)

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