Monday, September 3, 2012


I'm weird because....

- I have to have the thermostat on an even number.  I don't do odd numbers well.  (not sure why)

- I have more pens in my purse than most people do in their entire house

- I will write something over and over just because I don’t like the way my handwriting looks.

- I will cook the same thing over and over until I make myself sick of it.

I'm a bad friend because....

- I text instead of call.

- I prefer being alone just so I don't have to explain my crappy moods and the fact that I no longer have things in common with most of my friends. 

- I'm bad at thinking of doing something really nice and then forgetting.

I'm a good friend because....

- I love the few friends I do have to death.

- I would do anything for any one of them.

I'm sad because....

- I’ve pushed my closest friends away.

- I feel like I don't do enough, when I could always do more.

- I miss Josh like crazy!

- I feel like I’ve let my kids down by not doing enough with them outside of this house.

- Oct. 8th is just around the corner...I hate that I remember the day I miscarried more often that the actual due-date(May 26th) of that baby.  Luckily this year I'll be spending it in a Dr's office for a post-op appt for Katie after she gets her tonsils taken out.

I'm happy because....

- I have 3 of the most awesome kids ever.

- I am able to stay home with them (although I'd gladly work 3 jobs outside the home, if it meant that I would see Josh even one hour a week in person rather than on a screen) 

- there is only 103 days left Josh is in the United States for good (work-wise)

- I've got a completely clean house, just need to finish organizing.  

I'm excited for....

- Fall to be here and stay.  I'm ready for boots and hoodie weather. 

- Christmas..Mainly because we get to share it with Josh this year. :-)

- the future. I know that the last 5 years have been SO hard, but I fully believe that once Josh gets home things will be better for all of us. 

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