Saturday, October 27, 2012

Weekend Ramblings

So..I've decided in my quest to stay on top of this blogging thing I've decided to start a weekly rambling post.  

* I absolutely HATE laundry.  I don't mind throwing it in the washer and dryer but sorting, folding and hanging up THEN having to put it away is just too time consuming for me.  It's my least favorite chore.

*I have big plans of getting this house completely organized but with 3 kids it never stays that way for over 2 weeks so I've given up. 

*Only 20 more days till my 10 year wedding anniversary!!!  Josh and I say that we aren't exchanging gifts and I really haven't bought him anything so let's hope he sticks to it also so I don't feel horrible.

*50 long days till Josh flies home!!  woohoo!!!  I really hope the days pass quickly but I've barely started our Christmas shopping so I'm hopeful that I get more accomplished in the next 50 days.  :-)

*Katie is spending the weekend at my sisters house and I was planning on getting her bedroom and closet organized..summer clothes out and winter clothes in.   It's 5:00 pm and I've not even started :-(

*Jackson is driving me bonkers today!!  He found a pencil and marker and went on a drawing spree on the living room and hallway walls while I was downstairs doing laundry.   2 hours with a Magic Eraser and the walls still look like crap.  Little boy will be going to bed early tonight.

*Jared has pretty much locked himself in his bedroom all day long on his quest to beat a game on his iPod....that kid really needs a

*Pretty sure that I'm ready for Spring time already.  This whole hot one day and cold the next is getting old already.   Florida is sounding better and better all the time. 

*I hate it that I can't decide what to get anybody for Christmas.  I really am thinking I'll do homemade goodies.   The kids could even help some which is a plus.  The kids are getting older and more difficult.  What ever happened to kids wanting toys till they are like 10!  My kids are asking for laptops and ipads at 6 and 8!  (not happening but maybe we can compromise a little on that)

*Sometimes I wish I had things to do every once and a while with the kids and without the kids.  But with 3 kids...asking anyone to watch all 3 seems a little mean so I don't.  Guess I'll have plenty of time to watch movies and go out with friends when my kids are grown and out of the house.  Or maybe I'll get better about inviting friends over and the kids will actually behave enough that friends want to come  :-)

*It's a spaghetti and movie night here with my 2 boys.  So I think this is all for now.  My brain is tired so it's definitely been a rambled kinda day!  Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!!!

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