Sunday, January 13, 2013

Catch up..or lack there of.

Wow, can't believe it's been so long since I've written a post in my online journal.    Things have been quite hectic and I haven't really slowed down much except for the past few days.   This week I get to start working on tax junk...yippee! (lots of sarcasm there).    I've been trying to stay busy with the hubby and kids while he was home for a break, but so much has been going on and now that he's gone to seems everything is hitting me at once.   Lack of Friends is a big one.   I use to have at least 3 people to talk to at any given time and they would be glad for my call or better yet...they would call me.   Now that I'm a stay at home mom and all my friends are in the working world with things of their own to seems I have nobody.  The hubs is always willing to listen but when I'm on the phone with him, I want to talk about the kids and happy things.  I talk to my mom and sister daily and I call my aunt a few times a week but that's really it.   Even Facebook is boring to me and I don't want to be one of those Debbie downers who is constantly putting downer status updates.    I know it's my fault, I quit putting forth any effort in my friendships.   I am home with the kids all the time, they are working moms so I don't want to call them in their "off time" and keep them on the phone for an hour catching up on my life.   Sometimes I just want to go put in some applications and get back to work so that I can have work friends again.  But then one of the kids will do or say something that just gets me feeling so blessed that I SAW or HEARD that and wasn't working, and I lose the momentum to go back to work.  Plus, as long as we are financially able for me to stay home with them, I would like to.     Oh well, maybe one of these days I'll get out and meet some equally boring moms who long for an adult conversation/vent session a couple times a      

Other than that, my family is doing just great.  The kids are growing and learning more everyday.  We are still potty-training with's going great for me but he refuses to use the potty anywhere but at home...not even at my mom and dads.   He's SO stubborn like that, but then he gets that honestly so I can't really fuse to much.   I kinda like using the bathroom in the comfort of my own home too. :-)   He'll be 3 in March so we have a few months to really get him on the ball, but I have set a deadline for Valentine's Day.  

I guess that's all for now, it's the older kids bedtime then I must get back to cleaning the floors before they drive me insane.   Hope you have a great week!! 

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